Transfering a chat

Sending a transfer request

If you are unable to assist with a query and need to pass it on to someone else, you can transfer a chat to another available team member.

Let your customer know that they’ll need to wait a moment whilst you transfer them to someone else, then tap on "Transfer chat" in the chat options menu.

Now you can select the available team members you would like to request a transfer to. It’s important to send a short note explaining why you are transferring this customer. This will be used by whoever claims the chat to understand why the chat has been transferred and how they can help the customer.

The customer will never see this internal note.

What happens next?

The team members you have selected will then receive your transfer request. The request is active for 120 seconds to ensure the shopper is not waiting too long.

If your transfer is successful you can return back to the chats list.

If no one is able to accept the transfer, you can try again or do your best to assist that shopper.

Last updated